The key objectives for the Spinnaker Tower F&B Project were to enhance the guest experience by bringing the brand values to all aspects of the F&B offer, with a coherent vision for Waterfront Café, The Clouds and Corporate hire. Making this a ‘go to’ destination for Portsmouth.
Our deliverable concept for the ground floor Waterfront Café was to be installed within 2 weeks. The Waterfront Café needed a personality. It needed to still be a café but more inviting, warm and comfortable for the guests. The guest needed to feel that it’s not just your run of the mill café but a unique food and beverage location that supports local suppliers. The space from the counter forward needed to be completely mobile due to evening business, so tables needed to be light and easily movable. Chairs needed to be stackable and hardwearing and the back bar displays needed to be able to change from a daytime offering to an evening bar.  
Also, as a second part of the brief, was the deliverable concept for the Cloud Café that could be installed within 2 weeks. Clouds needed to see an injection of premium. The space needed a complete overhaul from counters, tables and chairs. The space also needed to be able to be cleared and used for corporate business, so units needed to be small and on wheels, tables and chairs light weight but with a premium feel.
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